Giving Back to the World

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“It is every man’s obligation to put back into the world what he takes out of it.” – Albert Einstein

Right now, I am hoping to find someone who can help put something back into my world—a chance to have more time with my family, more time to live life, and less time spent feeling sick. I am looking for a living donor who can save my life, but I can’t do it alone.

Even if you can’t give in the way I’m asking, you can still help. By sharing this post, you can help spread my story and connect me with someone who might be able to make a difference.

Support doesn’t always have to come in big ways. It can be a simple act of kindness, sharing my journey, or offering encouraging words. All of these things bring me closer to hope.

If this message resonates with you, please share. You might be the reason I find the help I need to have more time with those I love and feel better. Thank you for caring and for any way you choose to support me.

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