Anna Needs a
Living Kidney Donor

“The gift of life is something that cannot be put in to words. Thank You will never be enough. A new kidney would mean that I get to see my grandchildren grow up, graduate high school, go to college and maybe  even have great grandchildren. It would mean that my husband and I could do the things we worked so hard to be able to do when we retired. It would mean that I have a future.”

Anna’s Story

Anna, a loving wife, mother, grandmother, and friend, discovered she had PKD in July 2000 after a brain aneurysm required surgery. Recognizing the hereditary nature of PKD during a six-year recovery, she diligently followed a dietician’s advice for 21 years. In 2019, her nephrologist initiated the transplant process, but a breast cancer diagnosis delayed completion until December 2021 when she began nightly PD at home, which is exhaustive.  

After witnessing her mother’s 15-year struggle with manual PD, Anna was determined to pursue transplantation. Having faced challenges with potential donors, she grapples with the uncertainty of each day, unable to plan activities with her husband and family. 

We Need to Find a Living Donor

The dependency on daily dialysis restricts her active lifestyle, impacting the joy of off-grid camping, quad riding, and motorcycle adventures that she and her husband once relished. Anna knows that a living donor represents her best hope for a lifesaving transplant and hopes someone will see her story and feel inspired to step forward.  

Donor Eligibility Requirements

Anna is extremely lucky to have secured highly qualified medical help and support from the team at the University of Utah Health (UUH). She wants any interested persons to know that they will be in exceptional hands should they decide to step forward. UUH has shared the following as a pre-qualification list for donation:

Must be between the age of 18-69 years old.

Must be healthy and free of major health problems such as high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, obesity (BMI of 37 or less).

Must be mentally and emotionally healthy.

You Can Help Save Anna's Life!

Interested In Donating?

Complete the short contact form and a GiftWorks' Living Donor Navigator will respond within 1 day to guide you through the next steps in the process.

Have Questions About Donating?

Having questions is normal! Complete the short contact form to set up a time to speak with a GiftWorks' Living Donor Navigator; a guide who knows what it's like to donate a kidney because they've donated in the past.

Want To Help In Other Ways?

You can help by sharing Anna's page today! Also, be sure to share Anna's posts on social media each week to spread awareness of her story. Sharing posts is one of the best ways to help Anna find her lifesaving donor.

Process for Stepping Forward for Anna


Fill out the short contact form and a GiftWorks’ Living Donor Navigator will reach out to you within 1 business day to set up a time to connect.


During your time with a GiftWorks’ Living Donor Navigator, you will get to ask questions and receive answers from a living kidney donor. They will tell you more about the process, address non-medical concerns, and connect you to valuable resources.

Complete Breeze

Breeze is a health questionnaire that will be reviewed by the hospital’s medical team to determine your eligibility for living donation as well as the next steps.

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Anna M
Please Share to Find Me a Living Kidney Donor
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Dear future kidney donor,

The gift you’re considering giving is beyond words. Thank you will never capture the depth of my gratitude. Your kidney holds the promise of seeing my grandchildren grow, graduate high school, enter college, and perhaps even witness the arrival of great-grandchildren. It means my husband and I can finally embark on the dreams we’ve cherished for our retirement. It signifies a future—a future I’ve fought for against all odds.I firmly believe there’s a greater purpose the Lord has for me, one that I’m yet to fulfill.

Anna M
SHARE to Find Anna Her Living Kidney Donor Hero!
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Anna could use your help. She is still looking for a match, and she won’t stop until she finds one. If you could, please take some time to “like” and share this post. Your actions will surely lift Anna’s spirits. It only takes a moment to spread the word, and your support could make a huge difference. Together, we can help Anna find the perfect match she’s been searching for. By amplifying her story, we increase her chances of success. Let’s join forces to help find Anna her kidney donor hero!

Anna M
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Donate Life America is a nonprofit organization dedicated to inspiring individuals to register as organ, eye, and tissue donors. Their website,, features information specifically geared towards potential living kidney donors, including testimonials, factsheets, and guides to the donation process.

Questions & Answers

Unfortunately, most of the family cannot donate for health reasons. Anna has PKD which is a hereditary disease that runs in her family.  This means many family members, including her children, cannot donate and are at risk for having PKD.  In some cases, the best living donor is one who is not a family member, even when family members do step forward to donate.

While the recipient's insurance will provide coverage for the donor, the donor needs to have their own health insurance in the rare event an unknown health issues comes up for the donor.

While the recipient's insurance covers all costs related to the donation (for Anna and her donor), there are expenses like travel, meals, and lost wages that can be incurred.  However, we want you to know there are resources available to ensure you do not have to pay for anything out of pocket. The GiftWorks' team can provide more information about those resources if you choose to step forward as a living donor.

Living kidney donors are often able to return to work within 2 weeks, and fully heal within 6-8 weeks. After surgery, the donor’s remaining kidney will also grow in size and function, allowing them to live normal life with just one kidney.

The following are pre-qualification requirements for living donation: must be between the age of 18-69 years old, must be healthy and free of major health problems such as high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, and obesity (BMI of 37 or less), and must be mentally and emotionally healthy.

The ideal outcome is for Anna is to find a living donor. She has already battled so much with her kidney disease that being on the kidney transplant waiting list for 3-5 years is simply not ideal. Long-term dialysis is also not ideal as it can lead to a variety of complications such as low blood pressure, injection site infection, and blood clots.

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