Right now, I am looking for someone who can make a difference in my life. More than anything, I want to have more time with my family and less time feeling sick. I am hoping to find a living donor who can help me live a longer, healthier life.
While not everyone can give in the way I need, there are still many ways you can help. Sharing this post is one of the most important things you can do. You might know someone who could be moved to help or someone who has the power to spread the word. www.giftworksuuh.com
Even if you can’t give directly, offering support through kind words or simply learning more about my journey makes a huge difference. Every bit of help brings me closer to finding the help I need.
If this message resonates with you, please share it. You might be the spark that leads me to someone who can save my life. Thank you for your kindness, your support, and for being part of this journey with me.