Linda Needs a
Living Kidney Donor

“One thing that I would like to say to my future kidney donor is thank you, and I love that you are coming forward to help save my life. I don’t know how to repay you, as what you’re doing for me is such a gift.”

Linda’s Story

Linda’s presence in the lives of her family members as both a devoted mother and a cherished grandmother is nothing short of remarkable. Her warmth, boundless love, and compassionate nature have woven a tapestry of enduring memories and countless moments of joy. Even amidst the formidable challenge of battling kidney disease for the past 23 years, Linda has remained an epitome of resilience, facing each day with courage and grace. As she contemplates the prospect of undergoing dialysis, Linda harbors a fervent desire to sidestep this stage of treatment and instead seeks the possibility of receiving a kidney from a living donor. With unwavering optimism, she clings to the hope that somewhere out there, a compassionate soul will step forward, offering the gift of life and providing her with the chance to reclaim her health and vitality.

We Need to Find a Living Donor

Linda’s journey with kidney disease casts a shadow over her daily life, a persistent reminder to approach each moment with careful consideration and conserve her limited energy. The perpetual uncertainty surrounding her kidney function adds an additional layer of stress, as she grapples with the unknown duration of her kidney’s viability. Facing the daunting prospect of potentially waiting for up to five years or more for a deceased donor, Linda’s attention has turned towards the possibility of securing a living kidney donor. Such a generous act holds the key to a brighter tomorrow, presenting Linda with the best opportunity for a life filled with vitality and allowing her to continue cherishing moments with her beloved family and friends.

Donor Eligibility Requirements

Linda is extremely lucky to have secured highly qualified medical help and support from the team at the University of Utah Health (UUH). She wants any interested persons to know that they will be in exceptional hands should they decide to step forward. UUH has shared the following as a pre-qualification list for donation:

Must be between the age of 18-69 years old.

Must be healthy and free of major health problems such as high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, obesity (BMI of 37 or less).

Must be mentally and emotionally healthy.

You Can Help Save Linda's Life!

Interested In Donating?

Complete the short contact form and a GiftWorks' Living Donor Navigator will respond within 1 day to guide you through the next steps in the process.

Have Questions About Donating?

Having questions is normal! Complete the short contact form to set up a time to speak with a GiftWorks' Living Donor Navigator; a guide who knows what it's like to donate a kidney because they've donated in the past.

Want To Help In Other Ways?

You can help by sharing Linda's page today! Also, be sure to share Linda's posts on social media each week to spread awareness of her story. Sharing posts is one of the best ways to help Linda find her lifesaving donor.

Process for Stepping Forward for Linda


Fill out the short contact form and a GiftWorks’ Living Donor Navigator will reach out to you within 1 business day to set up a time to connect.


During your time with a GiftWorks’ Living Donor Navigator, you will get to ask questions and receive answers from a living kidney donor. They will tell you more about the process, address non-medical concerns, and connect you to valuable resources.

Complete Breeze

Breeze is a health questionnaire that will be reviewed by the hospital’s medical team to determine your eligibility for living donation as well as the next steps.

Share To Help

Please Help Save Linda’s Life!
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Living kidney donors truly change lives, giving selflessly from the heart.
I’m reaching out on behalf of someone very special to me, Linda, who is in need of a living kidney donor. Her courage and determination inspire me daily, and I know she has so much more to share with the world. We are hopeful that a kind-hearted person will step forward to offer her the greatest gift imaginable—the gift of life.
If you’d like to learn more about Linda’s story and how you can help, please visit the link to her website in the comments below.

Linda K
Please Help! I Still Need to Find a Living Kidney Donor!
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As some of you may be aware, I’ve been on a journey to find a kidney donor. In the last six months, the need for a donor has become increasingly pressing, but I remain optimistic that a suitable match will be found. I’m incredibly thankful to everyone who has already offered their support—whether we’ve met or not, your generosity and bravery have touched me deeply.
If you’re considering becoming a donor or are ready to move forward with testing, I encourage you to take the next step. You can begin by completing the contact form on my website, which is linked in the comments below.

Help Save Linda’s Life – SHARE This Post!
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I’m doing everything in my power to support my loved one, Linda, who needs a kidney transplant. Over 100,000 people are waiting for a deceased donor, with a 5+ year wait. I’m not eligible to donate, but I’m committed to sharing Linda’s story because I know that a living donor is her best option. Did you know you can live a healthy life with one kidney, and most donors say they’d donate again in a heartbeat. If you’re seeing this, you can help us by sharing this message today. The more people who learn about Linda’s story, the better chance we have of reaching her courageous donor. 

Questions & Answers

Despite family stepping forward, there are cases where family is not eligible or even the best match.  In some cases, the best match is someone who is not immediate family or even unrelated.

While the recipient's insurance will provide coverage for the donor, the donor needs to have their own health insurance in the rare event an unknown health issues comes up for the donor.

While the recipient's insurance covers all costs related to the donation (for Linda and her donor), there are expenses like travel, meals, and lost wages that can be incurred. However, we want you to know there are resources available to ensure you do not have to pay for anything out of pocket. The GiftWorks' team can provide more information about those resources if you choose to step forward as a living donor.

Living kidney donors are often able to return to work within 2 weeks, and fully heal within 6-8 weeks. After surgery, the donor’s remaining kidney will also grow in size and function, allowing them to live normal life with just one kidney.

The following are pre-qualification requirements for living donation: must be between the age of 18-69 years old, must be healthy and free of major health problems such as high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, and obesity (BMI of 37 or less), and must be mentally and emotionally healthy.

If Linda doesn't find a donor, she would likely have to endure the lengthy wait on the kidney transplant list, which could significantly prolong her suffering and increase the risk of complications associated with her condition.

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