Author name: giftworksuuh

Please LIKE and SHARE to Help Me Find a Living Kidney Donor!

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Finding out that I was accepted onto the transplant waitlist made me so happy. I have so much to live for, and getting a new kidney would mean that I get to spend a lot more quality time with my loved ones. Being on the transplant waitlist for a deceased kidney doesn’t mean that I will get a kidney right away. Sometimes, it can even take 5 years or more. Battling kidney disease is tough, and I don’t think I can wait much longer. That’s why I’m now sharing my story: to find a living kidney donor who could save my life. Your share could make all the difference. Please help spread the word!

Help Me Find a Living Donor! LIKE and SHARE This Post

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When I found out I made it on the transplant waitlist, I was incredibly happy. There are so many things I look forward to doing when I get a new kidney, such as going back to work full-time and spending more time with my family, wife, and friends. Unfortunately, waiting on the transplant list for a deceased kidney doesn’t guarantee a quick transplant. Many, including myself, wait 5 years or longer. It’s a long journey battling kidney disease, and so much can change during this time. That’s why I’m sharing my story actively. I hope to connect with a living kidney donor who might save my life. Their gift would mean everything to me. Please support me by sharing this post and my website. Together, we can make a difference.

Help Save My Life. Please SHARE This Post

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I was thrilled to learn I made it onto the transplant waitlist! A new kidney would provide me with enough energy to ride my bike again and allow me to spend my time volunteering. But being on the waitlist for a deceased kidney means I might not get a transplant quickly. Most patients, including myself, wait 5+ years. That’s a long time to fight kidney disease, and so much can change while I wait. This is why I’m sharing my journey, hoping to find a living kidney donor who sees this and decides to save my life. That person would give me the most incredible gift possible. You can help me today – please SHARE this post and my website!

Please SHARE This Post to Help Save My Life

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When I found out I made it onto the transplant waitlist, I was incredibly happy. A new kidney would allow me to have the energy to engage in activities I love, like spending time with my family, doing crafts, painting, drawing, and reconnecting with friends I haven’t seen in a long time. But the thing is, being on the waitlist for a deceased kidney doesn’t mean I’ll get transplanted right away. Most patients wait 5 or more years. That’s a very long time to battle kidney disease, and so much can happen while I wait. This is why I am actively sharing my story. I’m hoping to find a living kidney donor who will see my story and choose to save my life. That person will give me the greatest gift imaginable. You can help me today – PLEASE SHARE this post and my website:

Help Me Find a Living Kidney Donor – Share This Post!

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When I found out I made it on the transplant waitlist, I was overjoyed. I want to have my transplant surgery and get back to living my life. However, being on the waitlist for a deceased kidney transplant does not mean I’ll get transplanted quickly. Most patients, like me, wait 5 or more years. That’s a long time for someone to battle kidney disease, and so much can happen while I wait. This is why I am actively sharing my story. I’m hoping to find a living kidney donor who will see my story and choose to save my life. That person will give me the greatest gift imaginable and give me the chance to start my adult life, skateboard, and spend more quality time with my friends and family. You can help me today – please SHARE this post and my website:

Let’s Find Alondra a Living Kidney Donor – Share This Post!

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Let’s rally together to make a life-saving difference! 🌟 Alondra reached out to me weeks ago, seeking help in finding a living kidney donor. While I can’t donate myself, I’m determined to spread her story far and wide. I truly believe that by sharing this post, we can connect with the right person who’ll step forward and save Alondra’s life. Together, let’s be the change she needs. SHARE this post and let’s make miracles happen!

Urgent Plea! Share This Post to Help Imeleta!

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Hey everyone, I’m reaching out with an urgent plea from Imeleta. She’s in desperate need of a living kidney donor. While I can’t be the match she needs, I refuse to stay silent. Let’s rally together and spread Imeleta’s story across social media and beyond. With your help, we can find the perfect match and save her life. Please share this post to make a real difference in Imeleta’s life and the lives of those who care about her. Together, we can make miracles happen.

Share This Post to Help Save Tom’s Life!

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Hey everyone, Tom reached out to me a few weeks back with a heartfelt plea: he desperately needs a living kidney donor. While I can’t be the match he needs, I refuse to stay silent. Let’s band together and spread Tom’s story far and wide. With your help, we can find the perfect match and save his life. Please share this post to make a difference in Tom’s life and the lives of those who care about him. Let’s do this!

Help Support Charolenn’s Mission By Sharing This Post

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Let’s rally together and spread the word! Charolenn reached out to me weeks ago with an urgent plea: to help find a living kidney donor. It breaks my heart that I can’t be that donor, but I refuse to stand idly by. I’ve made it my mission to share Charolenn’s story far and wide. I firmly believe that with your help, we can find the perfect match to save her life. Please, join me in this mission by sharing this post. Together, let’s make a difference in Charolenn’s life and the lives of her loved ones.

Please Help Scott Find a Living Kidney Donor By Sharing This Post

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Please help me by SHARING this post! Weeks ago, Scott asked me to help him with the most incredible task: finding a living kidney donor. Unfortunately, I am unable to donate to Scott, and it kills me that I cannot do so. However, I have made it my mission to help him by sharing his story with those I know. I truly believe that if the right person sees my posts, they will decide to step forward and save Scott’s life by becoming his living kidney donor. This person will give the greatest gift imaginable to not just Scott, but also his dearest family, friends, and community.  Join me in my mission by SHARING this post today, please.

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