Dare Q

Please Help Save Dare’s Life!

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One of the best feelings in the world is being able to help change someone’s life for the better. When you donate a kidney, you’re giving someone a chance at life, and that is truly amazing.

I’m reaching out today for someone very close to my heart, Dare, who urgently needs a living kidney donor. Her courage and determination inspires everyone around her, and she has so much more to give to the world. We’re hoping that a kind and generous person will come forward to give her the ultimate gift—the gift of life.

If you’d like to know more about Dare’s journey and how you can help, please check out the link to her website in the comments below.

I’m Still Looking For a Living Kidney Donor! Please Help!

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Many of you know that I’ve been on a journey to find a living kidney donor. Over the past six months, this search has become more pressing, and I’m still eagerly awaiting the news of a match. To those who have already come forward, I want to express my deepest gratitude. Even if we haven’t met personally, please know how much I appreciate your courage and generosity.
If you’re still considering becoming a donor or feel ready to take the next step and get tested, I warmly encourage you to do so. The easiest way to start is by filling out the contact form on my website, which I’ve linked in the comments below.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your kindness and support during this time.

Dare Needs Our Help! Please SHARE to Save Her Life!

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Dare is a vibrant young woman in her early twenties who is fighting for her life. She urgently needs a living kidney donor and we are doing all that we can to get her story in front of as many people as possible. After a failed kidney transplant, Dare’s health is deteriorating, and waiting years for a deceased donor isn’t an option. A living donor offers her the best chance to regain her future—one filled with dreams of working with animals and living independently. Please share her story, and if you or someone you know can help, visit www.giftworksuuh.com/dareq. Your support could give Dare the chance to truly live; thank you!

Immediate Call for Assistance – Please Help Spread the Word!

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Immediate Call for Assistance – Please Help Spread the Word
My journey took a turn in 2020 when my kidneys failed unexpectedly due to a medication I was prescribed. My kidney disease is progressing swiftly, and I face severe health challenges every day. The waitlist for a deceased donor kidney is extremely long, with over 100,000 people in line, and the wait could extend beyond five years. Sadly, I don’t have that much time.
If you’re reading this, I urge you to share my message. Your help in spreading the word could make a huge difference. If you feel compelled to consider being my donor, please visit giftworksuuh.com/dareq and fill out the contact form.
Thank you from the depths of my heart for your compassion and support.

Share This Post to Help Save Dare’s Life

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Dare’s journey took a turn in 2020 when her kidneys failed unexpectedly due to a medication she was prescribed. Since then, she has faced immense challenges, but we are hopeful as we seek a living kidney donor who can save her life. The support from our community has been incredible throughout this difficult time.
Could I ask you for a favor? Please take a moment to visit Dare’s website and consider sharing it: https://giftworksuuh.com/dareq/
Your support means everything to us. By spreading Dare’s story, we hope to reach more people and increase her chances of finding a lifesaving donor.
Thank you sincerely for your help. Together, we can make a difference in Dare’s life.

SHARE to Help Find My Lifesaving Donor!

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When I learned I had been placed on the transplant waitlist, it filled me with immense joy. Getting a new kidney would enable me to resume my life and follow my aspirations of working with animals. Waiting on the deceased kidney transplant list isn’t a quick process; many of us will wait 5 years or longer. Battling kidney disease during this time is tough, and so much can happen. That’s why I’m sharing my story—to hopefully find a living kidney donor who could see this and decide to save my life. Please help me today by sharing this post and website with your family and friends. Your support means more than you know. https://giftworksuuh.com/dareq/

Help Support Dare’s Mission By Sharing This Post

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Dare needs your help! Dare recently reached out to me with an urgent plea: to find a living kidney donor. Sadly, I’m not a match for Dare, and it pains me deeply. Nevertheless, I’m committed to supporting Dare by sharing their story with as many people as possible. I firmly believe that by spreading the word, we can find the right person to step up and offer Dare the incredible gift of life. This act of kindness would not only transform Dare’s life but also deeply impact their loved ones and community. Will you join me in sharing this post today to help Dare find a kidney donor? Please assist Dare by spreading the word! Share this post today and help make a life-changing difference.


It Would be Incredible if You Could Share This Post

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Living kidney donors are indeed #incredible people, embodying the essence of selflessness and compassion. Dare’s journey to find her own living kidney donor is a testament to the power of human connection and the generosity that resides within each of us. Your support in sharing Dare’s story not only raises awareness but also inspires hope and solidarity within our community. Let’s join hands and spread the word far and wide, reaching out to every corner of the internet and beyond. Share this post now and become a part of Dare’s life-saving mission. Your act of sharing could be the beacon of hope that leads Dare to her living kidney donor.


Help Save My Life! Share This Post!

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I want you to know how much your gift means to me. As a young person with countless dreams ahead, I envision a future where I can pursue my passion for working with animals, travel across the U.S. to visit friends, and embrace the independence to live life to its fullest. Your donation will allow me the chance to truly thrive and fulfill my dreams, and that is something that I am truly grateful for.


Spread the Word and Help Find Dare a Lifesaving Kidney Donor

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Donating a kidney is one of the most profound and life-changing gifts you can offer. The joy and fulfillment that come from knowing you’ve played a critical role in saving another person’s life are immeasurable and truly last a lifetime.

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