Jim P

I Need Your Help to Find a Living Kidney Donor!

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Many of you know that I’ve been actively searching for a living kidney donor. Over the past six months, my search has become more urgent, but I’m still waiting for the news that a donor has been found. To those of you who have already stepped forward, I want to offer my deepest thanks. Even if I don’t know each of you personally, please know how grateful I am and how much I respect your bravery.
If you’re still considering becoming my donor or feel ready to take the next step and get tested, I encourage you to do so. The easiest way to begin is by filling out the contact form on my website, which I’ve linked in the comments below.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your kindness and support during this time.

Jim Needs a Living Kidney Donor! Share to Help Save His Life!

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As a loving husband, father, and cherished friend, Jim has always been there for those he cares about. Now, he needs someone to step forward for him. I care deeply for Jim and wish I could donate, but I am unable to. I’m supporting him by sharing his story as I believe his donor is out there. That person will give Jim and his family the most precious gift imaginable. A living kidney donor is his best hope for a healthy future. Please share his story, and if you or someone you know could help, visit www.giftworksuuh.com/jimp. Your kindness could help Jim more than you know!

Please Help Me Find a Living Kidney Donor! Share This Post!

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It’s been four years since I joined the transplant waiting list, and my search for a living kidney donor continues. Opening up about this need has been incredibly challenging for me, but I urgently need your support. The waitlist for a deceased donor kidney is extensive, with over 100,000 people waiting, and the wait time could exceed five years. If you’re reading this, please help by sharing my post. Your support in spreading the word can make a tremendous difference. If you feel moved to consider becoming my donor, please visit my website and fill out the contact form: http://giftworksuuh.com/jimp. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your kindness and support.

Help Jim Find a Living Kidney Donor!

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It’s been four years since Jim joined the transplant waiting list. Sadly, his health is declining, and finding a suitable living kidney donor is urgently needed to save his life. Jim has faced many challenges on this journey, but we continue to stay hopeful, thanks to the incredible support from our community.
Could you do me a favor? Please visit Jim’s website and share it: https://giftworksuuh.com/jimp/
Thank you for your support! Spreading the word about Jim’s story can help us reach more people and potentially save his life.

Living Kidney Donor Needed! Please SHARE to Help Me Find One!

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I was very happy to find out that I was on the transplant waiting list. With a new kidney, I could go back to spending more quality time with my loved ones, and work to give back to my community. But I have been on the waiting list since 2020, and I still haven’t gotten a kidney. Though it’s been a long battle with kidney disease, I’m still hopeful. That’s why I’m now sharing my story. I’m hoping to find a living kidney donor who will see it and choose to save my life. If you’d like to help, please share this post and my website with your friends and family. You may be the key to helping me find the living kidney donor who will forever change my life. Thank you for your time and consideration. https://giftworksuuh.com/jimp/

Help Jim Find His Living Kidney Donor Hero!

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Help by SHARING this post! Jim urgently needs a living kidney donor, and while I wish I could donate myself, I’m not a match. However, I’m dedicated to spreading his story to find someone who is. I truly believe that the right person will see this and step forward to save Jim’s life. This act of kindness would mean the world to Jim, his family, friends, and community. Please join me in this mission by SHARING this post. Let’s find a hero for Jim! Thank you!


Help Save Jim’s Life! Share This Page

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“Giving someone the gift of #life is the greatest gift of all,” resonates profoundly as Jim continues on his journey to find a living kidney donor. His courage and resilience inspire us all as he navigates through this challenging path. Your support and willingness to share Jim’s story not only raise awareness but also serve as a beacon of hope for him and others in similar situations. Let’s unite in solidarity by spreading the word far and wide. Share this post and be a part of Jim’s life-saving mission. Together, we can make a difference and help Jim find his living kidney donor.


Please Share This Post to Help Me Find a Living Kidney Donor

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I want you to know that I understand just how precious the gift of a kidney truly is. If you choose to donate to me, please know that I will deeply honor and cherish that gift and your incredible sacrifice for the rest of my days. My dream is to spend many more years with my family, to continue supporting my community, and to contribute to non-profit organizations. With your generosity, I believe I can live a long and healthy life, and for that, I am profoundly grateful to you.


Increase Jim’s Chances of Finding a Donor by Sharing This Post

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Choosing to be a living kidney donor doesn’t just save a life; it transforms your own through the profound experience of giving. It’s an act of courage and compassion that bonds donors and recipients in a unique and meaningful way. For someone like Jim, a living kidney donor means a chance at a healthier, longer life. Every donor story writes a new chapter of hope and possibility.

Please Share: Living Donors Help People Like Jim

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Living donors offer a quicker route to transplantation, saving precious time for recipients.  Some patients, like Jim, will wait years before they are able to receive a kidney from a deceased donor.  This is why we’re appealing for help. www.giftworksuuh.com/jimp

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